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21 July 11, 10:23
Artist: Kein Zuruck
Album: Aetas
Year: 2011
Style: Doom Dark/Gothic Metal
Country: Russian Federation
Album: Aetas
Year: 2011
Style: Doom Dark/Gothic Metal
Country: Russian Federation
1. Einsamkeit
2. Das Lieben
3. L 'Etoile
4. Le Reve
5. Bitte
6. Hjertesorga
7. Svar
8. In The Mist
9. The Loss
2. Das Lieben
3. L 'Etoile
4. Le Reve
5. Bitte
6. Hjertesorga
7. Svar
8. In The Mist
9. The Loss
Views: 4171
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